At the base of a strangely circus-tent like hill, Meryl, the giant earthworm (with her side-kick, Nigel the Nematode), calls ‘roll up, roll up…’.
As the audience tunnels into the hill, an underground wonderland is revealed within. Tree roots meet webs of mycorrhizal fungi. Billions of bacteria, minute nematodes and giant creepy crawlies present acts of daring skill and dazzling spectacle.
Welcome to the underground circus!

DIRT is an immersive, multi-sensory performance and installation for children 5+ and families, with accessibility woven throughout. Inspired by Lewis Carol’s classic tale, DIRT invites audiences to fall down the worm-hole and journey underground into the living ecosystem of the soil, exploring our connection to the earth and each other. 

Informed and inspired by the incredible complex systems of the soil, with all its rich biodiversity and intricate architecture, and with a cast of circus performers and puppets, DIRT aims to shine a head torch on this wondrous part of our planet, so often overlooked, and so vital for our survival.

She Said Jump is currently seeking commissioning partners, funding & sponsorship to support production and performances beginning September 2024




Created by Maisie Whitehead & Malik Ibheis with words by Lizzie Muncey 

Design: Katy Hoste

Creative rigging: Joel le Clercq

Access and audio description consulting and dramaturgy: Quiplash

Outside eyes: Charlotte Mooney, Ockham’s Razor

Producer: Maisie Whitehead

DIRT is currently supported by 101 Outdoor Arts, Jacksons Lane Arts Centre, Flying Fantastic, Longfield Hall arts and community space and using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.


 Making of